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Sacred Delight

Published on March 29, 2009

by Max Lucado

“Those people who know they have great spiritual needs are happy, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.� Matthew 5:3 (NCV)

[God] promises [sacred delight]. And he promises it to an unlikely crowd:

    * “The poor in spirit.”  Beggars in God’s soup kitchen.
  * “Those who mourn.”  Sinners Anonymous bound together by the truth  of   their introduction: “Hi, I am me. I’m a sinner.”….
* “The merciful.”  Winners of the million-dollar lottery who share the prize with their enemies.
* “The pure in heart.”  Physicians who love lepers and escape infection.
* “The peacemakers.”  Architects who build bridges with wood from a Roman cross….
  * The persecuted.”  Those who manage to keep an eye on heaven while walking through hell on earth.

It is to this band of pilgrims that God promises a special blessing. A heavenly joy. A sacred delight.

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Not to be reprinted without permission

Max Lucado
From: The Applause of Heaven
Copyright (Word Publishing, 1990)
Used by permission
To learn more about Max Lucado visit his website at: