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God Knows My Name

Published on July 17, 2017

God Knows My Name

Jesus said to her, “Mary”  John 20:16

His resurrection would soon be known to and believed by many. Two of His close followers would rush to the tomb when they heard the report of its emptiness. But it is Mary of Magdala and a few other sad women who are the direct recipients of the angel’s earth-shattering message that Jesus has risen from the dead. Even they react in ‘trembling and astonishment,’ but reality takes hold with a fierce grip when Mary hears her name. Jesus takes time from His post-resurrection agenda to make sure that this hurting, wondering, wanting-to-hope, forgiven woman knows beyond any shadow of a doubt that He is alive again. Here I see the heart of my God. He takes time to meet ‘me to know my heart’ to call me by name.

In the midst of our busy lives it is easy to miss the call of needy friends. Responsibilities of managing a home and family in addition to our positions in the business world fill our ears with sounds that frequently blur the desperate call of others. Too often it is only when we are faced with the tragedies of earthquakes, tsunamis and the death of loved ones that our ears are open to desperate cries.

But God is always ready to call us by name, to gently attract our attention to His love and care. It is important that I take time daily to sit quietly and listen.

Father, thank you for knowing and loving me intimately by name.  Help me carefully listen so that I hear your loving whisper. Amen.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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