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New View

Published on March 16, 2012

by Vonette Bright

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will,  He hears us.”  1 John 5:14

Connie heard one complaint after another about government officials.
Every time she, her husband, and their friends met together, politics crept into their conversation.  It was always negative.
They went so far as to write letters complaining to local officials.

But after Connie invited Christ to control her life, complaining wasn’t comfortable anymore.
Now, Connie wanted to make a difference in her community, not criticize it.
She began by including local and national politicians in her prayer journal.
She tried to steer negative conversations towards the positive.
When she could, she supported and encouraged the politicians who had done well.

Friend, keep a positive view of your world. Pray for your local, state and national leaders.
Then, have a positive influence for Christ wherever you can.

Question: Are you spending time in prayer and making a positive difference to those around you as the world is facing this time of recession and uncertainties?

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