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Poem – In the Midst

Published on June 27, 2022


In the midst of my pain
Do not allow my living be in vain.
For I must not kick and shove
I must be harmless as a dove.
Yet I need Your wisdom from above
For the storms are raging and the waters
Threaten to overtake me…the dark
Clouds are gathering…but in the midst
Of it all I see a glimmer of light..yes!
In the midst of the angry billows, the light
Is getting even brighter.

In the midst.. I see you Oh Lord the Lover
Of my soul, who in the midst brings peace
To my soul. Calming all my fears in the midst!
You bring me joy in the midst of my pain.
For in the midst of my sorrow You have made
Me to dance before You..and Oh the joy
That overflows my soul in the midst of this
Wealthy place you have brought me into!

By Margaret C. Mullings
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  More Poems

•   HE IS! – a powerful poem about God

•  Salvation Explained

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