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Victim or Victor?

Published on April 15, 2012

by Vonette Bright

The Bible says, “Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him.”  Pat meditated on that passage as she prepared for hours of doctoral exams.  During her exams she found herself in extreme pain.  Gall bladder disease was diagnosed and surgery was scheduled.

During her hospital stay, she realized this: She could either be a VICTIM of her circumstances or a VICTOR over them.  Pat continued to study God’s Word for spiritual vitality.  God reminded her she could be a VICTOR.  Focusing on that dramatically impacted the outcome of her exams.  She completed them on time and now is “Dr.” Pat Ennis.

Dear one, tough times may come; physical challenges may take you down.  But with the LORD’s strength, you can be a VICTOR!

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 17:7-8, Romans 8

Dr. Patricia Ennis, author of Precious in His Sight, the Fine Art of Becoming a Godly Woman, and professor and establishing chairperson of the Department of Home Economics at The Master’s College,  (For information on Home Economics-Family and Consumer Sciences click on HE-FCS, then select the page that interests you).

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