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Warning Signs

Published on July 19, 2012

By Vonette Bright

But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.”
Psalm 31:14

Megan’s eyes no longer sparkled with the joy her mother remembered.  Dark circles traced her eyes.  She became dangerously thin.  Bobbi worried about her daughter.

Just months before, Megan left home to live with a group of friends.  She began withdrawing from her family and former classmates.  When Bobbi was denied access to her daughter, it raised the final red flag.

Bobbie was tempted to do something drastic, but she knew that wouldn’t solve her problem.  Well, it took years of prayer, patient understanding, pastoral counseling, and Godly love.  But Bobbi finally saw her daughter return to the Jesus she loved as a child.

Dear friend, bringing a loved one to Christ may take time.  Remember, the results aren’t up to you, they’re up to God.  Leave them in His capable hands and allow Him to guide you.

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