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My Foot is Slipping

Published on November 9, 2019

“When I said, My foot is slipping,” your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul”  Psalm 94:18-19

Thoughts on today’s verse

While we are amazed at the vastness of God’s reach and the awesome breadth of his power and the glorious sweep of his majesty, the incredible truth is his personal nearness to us. He chooses to know us and be actively involved in the trials and triumphs of each day with us. How will today, or tomorrow, be different because you are aware of his presence and companionship?


God who is near, please hear my heart. I am overwhelmed at your presence near me and within me. The comfort you bring when I am under siege, the strength you offer when I am weak, the courage you give when I am under attack, and the hope you instill when all seems hopeless — these gifts of your presence are precious to me. Without your presence I would not know where to go or why I am here. Thank you for knowing me. I look forward to knowing you one day as you know me today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

by Phil Ware
used by permission.

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