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God is Our Guide

Published on June 2, 2022

He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his wayPsalm 25:9.

For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end
Psalm 48:14.

I was sitting in the middle section of a small theatre but my mind was not on the play.   Once more I found myself in the middle of a crisis. Many important decisions had to be made but I didn’t know what to do. If only God would give me more guidance!

The theater darkened. The curtains on the stage parted. A beam of light coming from a control room behind me illuminated the stage. Soon the play unfolded before our eyes. Oh, Lord, if only I had more light, like that stage, I’d know what to do.

Half-way through the first scene, an usher came down the aisle guiding two late-comers.  In his right hand he held a flashlight forming a small circle of light at their feet. Slowly he moved ahead to the appropriate row, then he shone the light onto two vacant seats.  He waited patiently until the man and woman had sat down.  Then he turned off the flashlight, and walked quietly back to the entrance.

That’s how I guide you! The thought startled me.  I’ve given you the flashlight of my Word and my personal presence. Trust me.  As you follow, one step at a time, I will see to it that you get safely to the right place.

Like the usher in the theatre, God has committed Himself to guide us.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5, 6).

We sometimes spend time looking around for a green light, when we ought to keep going in the obvious direction until we find a red light,” says Dr. Charles Price ( Peoples Church in Toronto, Canada)

God expects His people to make decisions that are consistent with His Word, yet remain open and sensitive to any direct instructions He may choose to give. He may choose to use a Scripture that comes to you repeatedly, a set of circumstances that have fallen into place, some godly advice given by a person you trust, a hunch that you can’t shake, or a sudden insight.

God’s guidance will always move you closer to Himself.

Father, thank you for giving me your Word to guide me and your personal presence to cheer me.

by Helen Lescheid
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   God Is…

•   Going Deeper with God

•  Salvation Explained

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