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What Do You Want Me to Do for You?

Published on November 6, 2012

by Marilyn Ehle

What do you want me to do for you?”  Matthew 20:32

If you are reading these words, it is likely that you fall into one of two categories. You are already a Christ follower—either new to His family with enthusiasm for growth—or perhaps well settled into His family. Or you may be one who is wondering what it would be like to be in the family, perhaps you are even questioning the existence of God or the reality of Jesus.

But there are thousands of others who appear each Sunday in the church chairs or pews across the world (mostly the Western world). I see them sit and sing, even recite a creed or prayer, but there is no look of wonder, no expression of joy. Their participation in the “kiss of peace” or “right hand of fellowship” is perfunctory; they seemingly want to quickly resume their seated posture of independence.

What might be Jesus’ words to their current well fed and warmly clad bodies, their relatively healthy lives? If Jesus Himself should walk the church aisles, stop before them and ask, “What do you want me to do for you?” what response would He hear?

Before I condemn these people, I must personally listen carefully to the question “What do you want me to do for you?” What do I want? Where am I satisfied, even smug, about my current relationship with God? Is there any burning desire to lay my all on the altar? Dare I bow in submission and say I’ll go anywhere at any time? Does my heart beat with compassion for a lost, hungry world?

It is good to listen quietly to Jesus’ question at regular intervals. He doesn’t nag or intrude. He just asks.

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