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What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Published on August 25, 2022

“In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by faith in Him.”  Ephesians 3:12

What a friend we have in Jesus! We sang that song in church yesterday. Wow, that song has meaningful words. Have you sung it recently? Just read the last two lines of the second verse:

Can we find a friend so faithful? Who will all our sorrow bear?
Jesus knows our every weakness. Take it to the Lord in prayer.”

What an amazing friend! He is always there for us – caring, listening, loving. He never leaves us. He is always the same and He is always there. Our Stability (the Rock)!

Everyone and everything else around us changes constantly. Our bodies change. Our locations change. The seasons change. Children come and go – friends too. Parents leave. Of course, I don’t have to tell you about changes. You are well aware.

That is why, while we were singing, What a Friend we Have in Jesus, I thought of a very sad time in our lives when our five-month old grandson died suddenly from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It was the hardest time we had ever gone through. Not only were we grieving the loss of our grandson, we watched our children (which was so much worse) go through grief.

During the time I was grieving the death of Spencer, I would often wonder what could be more painful than losing our precious grand baby? But one day the Holy Spirit told me what could be much, much worse. He reminded me that if Jesus would leave me that would be utterly horrible – total darkness. Can you imagine?

Who would I talk to hundreds of times a day if He weren’t there? Who would I send thoughts of praise to many times a day? Where would I go in times of emergency? Where would I receive Life and Light for the day?

How glad I am that He will never leave me – or you. No matter the changes that occur during our lifetime, He does not change. He does not leave us! He is our “forever friend.” What a friend we have in Jesus!

Father, thank You for living in us in the form of the Holy Spirit. Thank You that Your Word is truth – all Your promises are true.  You will never leave us or forsake us.  Thank You so much. Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
Used by permission

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Further Reading

•  Stepping Into a Personal Revival

•  Life’s Lessons can Come from Unexpected Places

•  Salvation Explained

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