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God Guides and Provides

Published on April 12, 2013

by Vonette Bright

Susan felt as if all her plans fell apart.  She believed God had called her to become a nurse on the mission field.  So she quit her job and enrolled in school full time.  At first, everything came together perfectly.  Then she learned she needed $400 more dollars in three days for school expenses.  She didn’t know where the money would come from.

Susan was sad and didn’t feel like praying.  But she confessed her attitude to God and asked Him to change it.  She also thanked Him for being the Lord who loves and remains in control, even when you can’t feel it.

Not even twenty-four hours passed and God had provided in full!  Susan learned a valuable lesson and you can too.  Where God guides, He provides.  And He will honor and reward your commitment of time and resources for His glory.

This same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19, (NLT).

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