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Endowed with Splendor

Published on April 30, 2013

daily devotions online

He has endowed you with splendor.Isaiah 55:5 (NIV)

Splendor relates to being magnificent, impressive and brilliant. Wouldn’t we all want to be magnificent, brilliant and impressive?

The Lord provides Zion with splendor, but He also desires to clothe each of us with splendor. To me, splendor speaks of the riches and glory of God. When we are dressed (emotionally and spiritually) in splendor, we reflect the image of God and our very being points to heaven.

Splendor does not necessarily speak of material riches. This is illustrated to me so clearly in nature. We love to visit a local bird sanctuary with our children. They love to feed the ducks and be outdoors; I love seeing them get excited about the simplest things. While all the birds are beautiful, the peacock specifically walks around dressed in splendor. Still, there’s nothing the peacock has done to achieve or accomplish splendor. Splendor was a gift. In the same way, we don’t achieve splendor, nor can we buy it. Instead, we are given it from heaven.

Are you clothed in splendor? Walk in His ways and ask God to endow you with splendor today, so that your life may speak of the glory of God and point others to the amazing riches of heaven.

by Idelette McVicker

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