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Just a Carton of Cream

Published on September 10, 2023

A lesson on honesty vs. dishonesty

But you desire honesty from the heart, so you can teach me to be wise in my inmost being.”  Psalm 51:6

The pastor’s sermon was about honesty and being truthful.  He used the verse in Psalm 51:6. Then he asked us if there was something in our lives in which we had been dishonest.  As soon as he said that, a picture came to mind, it was a carton of cream.

You see, the previous day when I had been unloading my groceries from the trunk of the car, I noticed a carton of cream I hadn’t paid for.  Oh, I hadn’t intentionally taken it; I just hadn’t seen it when I paid for the groceries.  But I hadn’t paid for it either.  It was Saturday afternoon and I didn’t want to go back inside the store to get in line again.  So, I promptly forgot about it.

But the Holy Spirit remembered and convicted me of taking the cream

Honey,” I told my husband as we were driving home after the service, “I need to stop at the grocery store.”  He drove to the store and went in and explained to a cashier what had happened and I needed to pay for the cream.

The woman at the customer service desk was very surprised that I came back to pay for it.  She kept saying, “You are so honest.”  I felt so free and happy “in my inmost being” when I had confessed and paid for the item.  It is a good thing to be obedient to the Lord!

If the Holy Spirit is convicting you about something you have not been honest about “I encourage you to obey” as soon as you can.  Don’t wait!

Father, it is so easy to rationalize a wrong deed or attitude. Yet you desire truth and honesty. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin.  Help us to obedient.  Amen.

by Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• Freedom in the Truth – by Debbie West

Claiming Forgiveness –  by Bill Bright

How to be Saved