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Jesus at Camp

Published on July 30, 2013

By Vonette Bright

Christian DevotionalTrust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Betty is a widow with a teenaged son. Over the years she talked with her son Bryan about sexual purity and trusted him.

Then he admitted to her he had visited pornographic sites over a year ago. Bryan stopped the habit after confessing his sin to male counselors at a Christian summer camp.

Betty was crushed!  How could Bryan have lied to her so easily for so long?

But she was also pleased with her son’s honesty and for asking Jesus to control his life.  She then gave Bryan new guidelines and now tracks his computer usage.  He’s also involved in a church youth group.

Friend, dedicate your son or daughter to God. Trust Him for guidance. Seek God’s answers and keep the communication open. Pray for them. Be vigilant in monitoring your child’s activities. And love them to Jesus!

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