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Published on April 29, 2024

As you come to him, “you, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house.” 1 Peter 2:5

Stones of all shapes and size have been used for centuries in the building process. Traveling through the heather-covered rolling hills of Scotland, one sees mile after mile of low stone fences. A family in Pennsylvania scoured nearby fields for rocks to form a massive fireplace in their new home.

For rocks and stones to fulfill a specific purpose – whether fence or fireplace – they must fit together. A fence builder may fill gaps with smaller pieces of rock while the mason will chip off rough or protruding edges and use cement to construct a sturdy wall.

The 17th century monk, Brother Lawrence, wrote, “Sometimes I consider myself as a stone before a carver as he prepares to make a statue. Presenting myself thus before God, I desire him to form his perfect image in my soul and make me entirely like himself.”

God is in the business of forming each of us – each of his living stones – into the perfect form that will build an edifice that brings glory to him and displays his love to the world. I often don’t like the chipping away process, but I need to understand and submit for his greater glory.

Lord, thank you that you form each of us according to a beautiful master plan. You make no mistakes and will not give up on your goal to use each one of in the building of a spiritual house. Help me see glimpses of that house as I submit to your love.

by Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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