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Wired to be Happy

Published on September 9, 2013

by John Grant

Delight yourself also in the LORD: and he shall give you the desires of your heart”. Psalms 37:4

It was the cover of a recent Time Magazine entitled “The Pursuit of Happiness.” The lead in to the main article stated that we are free to pursue happiness, but there’s no guarantee we’ll achieve it. It went on to say, “the secret is knowing how and where to look.”

The story looked at a lot of factors, but finally ended up with “Get rich. Get happy.” In other words, the premise was that money can buy happiness. We have all seen the bumper stickers that proclaim that, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” But he still dies.

The Bible puts a different spin on happiness. There is difference between joy and happiness. Depending on the translation, the Bible uses the words “happy” and “happiness” about 30 times, while “joy” and “rejoice” appear over 300 times. If we look at some verses it will help us understand why joy is different from happiness.

What is true happiness? Does anyone really have an answer for that question? I suppose one could go on about how happiness is relative, different for each person. One man’s trash is another’s treasures and all that. I suppose in this grossly materialistic society that we live in, then yes that is true. True happiness, however, is not anything that can be quantified or measured, really. True happiness is contentment.

The strange thing in life is that if you seek happiness as an end in itself you will never find it; it will always escape you. It’s like a child catching a soap bubble. He thinks he’s got it, then it bursts and its gone and there’s nothing left. It’s also like a traveler in a desert seeing a mirage of an oasis. He travels towards it only to find it disappears!

True happiness, says the Bible, depends upon two things only. The first is our relationship with God, and the second depends on what we really are, not what happens to us or what we achieve or possess.

Those who chose the way of this world, the things that the Scriptures condemn, will never find lasting happiness. Oh yes, they may enjoy its false pleasures for a fleeting moment, but they will turn to ashes. The Christian isn’t exempt from temptation and must constantly be on guard against the subtle snares of the evil one – it’s so easy to slip up and let our Lord down in thought, word or deed.

It’s like the Time article said, for those seeking true happiness “the secret is knowing how and where to look.”

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John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney