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God is a Redeemer

Published on November 28, 2020

“Your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth.” Isaiah 54: 5 (NKJV)

God is a Redeemer;
He bought us with a great price,
He rescues and breaks the chains of bondage,
He finds us and brings us home.

God is a Restorer;
He returns what was destroyed and
replaces what was stolen.
He removes the stain of sin,
and brings beauty out of the ruins of our lives.

God is a Re newer;
He rekindles the flame
which flickers in the heart grown cold.
He takes away the old things
and makes all things new.

God is a Reviver;
He brings back to life
the things that were dead. He strengthens
the weak, and makes the broken whole again.

God is a Refresher;
He sends the cooling wind on a summer’s day,
brings rivers to the desert place,
and sends seasons of refreshing to the soul.

By Roy Lessin
Used by Permission

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