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The Right Word

Published on November 21, 2013

By Phil Ware

A man finds joy in giving an apt reply — and how good is a timely word!” Proverbs 15:23

Thoughts on today’s verse

Knowing the right word at the right time is a great gift. But even the best of speakers has to admit that the best of his or her words are not nearly as good as those the Spirit gives. Nevertheless, we must not excuse ourselves of insensitive speech, unkindness, or even missed opportunities because we were not paying attention to what was said, were not spiritually in tune with the needs of our companions, or simply did not know Scripture well enough to bless others with gracious speech at the appropriate time.


 Loving Shepherd, I will spend much of my time today with people. Some of them know you, but most do not. Please give me wisdom to say things that lead people closer to you. Give me words of help and hope for the broken. Give me words of tenderness for the fainting. Give me words of direction for the confused. Father, I pray that whatever words I say today may reflect your will and be led by your purposes. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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By Phil Ware from
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