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Published on December 11, 2013

by Vonette Bright

Jesus said, “I am the One who is, who always was, and who is still to come, the Almighty One.Revelations1:8b (NLT)

No question! Jesus is God!

Some time ago, a gracious man in his middle eighties said to my husband,

Mr. Bright, I’ve been the chairman of the board of my church for fifty years,
and no one has  ever told me I have to receive Christ as my Savior.
Do you think, in the light of all of the good things I have done,
that I must be born again?”

Bill explained, “The need for you to be born again is not my suggestion, Jesus said,
‘You must be born again’ to Nicodemus, who was also a fine religious leader.

Friend, choose to receive Christ into your life through prayer today.
And if you’ve done that, share it with someone.  Tell them about God’s great love.

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