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Showered in God’s Love

Published on December 26, 2016

daily devotional

“For whom the LORD loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights.” Proverbs 3:12

Amanda woke up feeling hung over and dizzy… again.  She went to clubs every night.  And got drunk to hide her emotional pain.  She didn’t enjoy waking up like that, but thought, “What else am I supposed to do?”

Amanda claimed to have given her life to Jesus, but her actions didn’t reflect it.  In spite of the way she lived, the girls in her Bible study showered her with God’s love.  One night, Amanda told the group she was not going to the clubs anymore and had stopped drinking.   She realized what it meant to live her life for Jesus and not waste it in the clubs.  And later, Amanda even led one of her friends to Christ!

Dear friend, if there is someone in your life who seems far from God, shower them with His love.

by Vonette Bright

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