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En Route

Published on January 6, 2014

by Marilyn Ehle

Do not let your hearts be troubled…if I go and prepare a place for you.  I will come back and take you to be with me…I am the way and truth and life…” John 14:1-6

Over the years, my husband and I have traveled thousands of miles by car. We have crisscrossed the United States, Canada and Europe, sometimes on holidays, most often in connection with our professions. On every journey, we have had a destination. Almost always we have taken direct routes to those destinations, but occasionally we meandered on side roads with delightful results. Without exception, we have faced challenges along with those delights. We have driven through raging summer storms and blinding winter snow. There have been unexpected and time consuming detours. Most people we’ve met have been friendly, others less so. But eventually we always reached the desired destination.

From the moment we invite Christ to be master of our lives, we are en route to a destination he has chosen: a life forever with him. Although we will face storms and detours, God walks with us through them. He promises that he will never leave or forsake us as we travel together. The Bible becomes “a lamp for our feet and a light on our path” (Psalm 119:105) so we need not fear what we face on the journey. Our part is to trust his leading.

Sometimes, Father, the journey and its challenges make me wonder if you’re really leading. Teach me to daily thank you for your presence and experience your peace.

What is the most joyful part of your journey with Jesus? What en route challenges do you face?

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