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Published on February 1, 2019

A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.John 13:34

You need to be easy to talk to, friendly, and a good listener.
They are great qualities to draw someone to Christ!

JoAnna Ward has these qualities.  And, she’s bold about her faith.
She drives a big Hummer with a license plate that reads OBEY GOD.
She ministers to people on the streets of Atlanta.  JoAnna shares God’s love wherever she is.

While she was exercising at a local gym, a woman approached her.
The woman wanted to leave her current lifestyle and knew JoAnna was a Christian.
It didn’t happen instantly, but as JoAnna ministered in her life,
the woman received Christ into her heart through prayer.
The woman’s lifestyle changed.  Now she, in turn, ministers to others.

Friend, be friendly – and listen.  God will use you to reach others for Christ!

by Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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