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God’s Question

Published on May 2, 2014

by Marilyn Ehle

The man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. The Lord God called “Where are you?”  Genesis 3:8-9

God’s first recorded question is one that rings down through the ages: “Where are you?” Because of a false or incomplete understanding of God, many people hear that question with dread, as if God lurks in the darkness seeking to ‘find us out’ in order to punish or – at the very least – to intrude.

But what if we put those words in God’s mouth from a different perspective? What if we see him going for a walk in the cool evening hours desiring companionship with his loved ones? Wanting his beloved children to join him while together they stoop to see a new bud on the rosebush or a fully ripened peach on the tree? Or perhaps he wants a quiet conversation about the events of the day? Or stands ready to lovingly hear how discouraged we are about the job, our families, or difficult circumstances of life?

This question is full of poignant meaning. The God of the universe who created us in his image quietly asks his children, “Where are you? ”Will we be like Adam and Eve who hid in shame from their loving Father, or will we be like the child Samuel who responded, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

Father, thank you for seeking me out in love. Teach me more about being quiet before you so I can hear your questions.

Question: Have you sensed God asking, ‘where are you?’

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