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Let Go to Grow

Published on May 10, 2014

by Vonette Bright

“So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD. And he worshiped the LORD there.1 Samuel 1:28 (NIV)

Margaret McSweeney wrote,
A mother’s heart knows how to stretch and to grow.
A mother’s heart knows when it’s time to let go.”

Yes, friend, letting go is an essential part of being a mother.
Let go to let grow” should be your motto as a mother too.
A mother lets go of her baby’s hand so he can learn to walk.
She lets go of the bicycle handlebars so her child can learn to ride alone.
And she lets go of the apron strings so her young adult can mature.

But especially, a mother needs to let go and let God grow her son or daughter.
In the Bible, Hannah is a fine example.  She gave her son Samuel completely over to God.

She said “he will belong to the Lord his whole life.”

Yes, friend, let God have control over your children – no matter what age they are!

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