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Overcoming Adversity

Published on August 17, 2024

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

The college was rattled!  It started simply with three students wanting to organize a Bible club on campus.  Anne and her two friends felt God calling them to do so.

Many people at the college opposed it.  They said the group was trying to force religion on people.  Teachers tried to intimidate them in class.  Students wrote mean comments on Anne’s door.

The campus radio station even ridiculed them on the air.

But Anne and her friends would not be deterred.  Feeling discouraged, however, they turned to God for strength.  He says in the Bible that “[His] strength is made perfect in weakness.”  Eventually, their Bible club became official.

Dear one, the persecution may become intense.  When it does, pick up your prayer pace.  God will give you strength to complete the task He’s called you to do.

By Vonette Bright
used by permission

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Developing Faith through Adversity – by Charles Stanley

• Adversity – by John Grant

•  Cry of the Hungry and Thirsty | A Perspective on Adversity

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