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Dissatisfied on the Inside

Published on September 7, 2022

Jeremiah  29:11, God says, “I know the plans I have for you. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

That verse became LaVerne Farmer’s anchor when life nearly came completely apart.

She started married life intending to be a Super Mom.

She threw herself into school, church, and community activities hoping they’d bring her satisfaction.

Everything looked fine on the outside, but LaVerne was frustrated, overwhelmed and empty.

In her searching for answers and peace, LaVerne increased her Bible reading.

The more she read, the more she prayed.  And God blessed that. She learned from the Bible how to place everything in God’s hands and to rest in His plan.

Yes, dear one, God DOES have a wonderful plan for your life!  Completely trust Him.

LaVerne Farmer:  author – I Am Not a Desperate Housewife

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Getting Life Back on Track by Marvin Kehler

Did I Hear You Correctly Lord? – My dreams were too small for God

•  Salvation Explained