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Sample Mother’s Day Prayers

A Prayer for all Mothers,

Thank you, Lord, that you fill a mother’s heart with love,
That you have instilled in her very being the need to protect her children if at all possible,
Thank you for giving her the gift of nurturing her children, of teaching them, of comforting them, 
for feeding them and making a safe place for them.

For guiding them to be all that God has created them to be.
Fill every mother with love, wisdom and endurance, 
with strength and patience and joy.
Give them ability to forgive again and again.
Enable her to rely on You and  call upon You, because You will give her all she needs.
In Your precious and all powerful name, Amen


Heavenly Father, to you I pray…
On this day called,
“Mother’s Day.”
Let all mother’s on earth give praise,
To you…for the children that you gave.

For you have blessed them from above,
with little souls to nourish and love.
Let them mold each one with care…
And teach them to be kind and share.

Forgiveness is the special key…
Start early on, to help them see.
Their fragile minds are easily impressed.
Please teach them ways, so they’ll be blessed.

Sow godly seeds into their minds.
With careful pruning, you will find…
Young adults with such strong roots,
all through life, will bear rich fruit.

And then have faith for God to show…
Them all the rest they have to know.
Remember they’re His children too.
For they were only lent to you. 

Prayer for New Mothers

God our Creator, we pray:
for new mothers, coming to terms with new responsibility ;
for expectant mothers, wondering and waiting;
for those who are tired, stressed or depressed;
for those who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family;
for those who are unable to feed their children due to poverty;
for those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities;
for those who have children they do not want;
for those who raise children on their own;
for those who have lost a child;
for those who care for the children of others;
for those whose children have left home;
and for those whose desire to be a mother has not been fulfilled.
Bless all mothers, that their love may be deep and tender,
and that they may lead their children to know and do what is good,
living not for themselves alone, but for God and for others.

Gracious God,

We thank you for adopting us into your family through the miracle of your grace, and for calling us to be brothers and sisters to each other. Today, loving God, we pray for our mothers:

  • who cared for us when we were helpless
  • who comforted us when we were hurt
  • whose love and care we often took for granted.

Today we pray for:

  • those who are grieving the loss of their mother,
  • those who never knew their biological mother, and now yearn for her
  • those who have experienced the wonder of an adopted mother’s love
  • the families separated by war or conflict.
  • Lord, give them special blessings.

Keep us united with you and with each other, so that we can be and become all that we are meant to be.

Dear God, Bless All Mothers…

In this intense nine months, when mothers-to-be are realizing that their life is about to change forever, bless them God, because they feel alternately elated and alarmed. Help each mother-in-waiting to understand that she has been carefully chosen, by both you and by her baby, to guide it through its early years on planet Earth. Let her know that she will never be alone in the process. Help her to remember that her baby is your own perfect creation, just as she, herself, is your own perfect creation. Thank you God, for making each of your creations uniquely perfect in its own way. Amen.

– Lauren McLaughlin 

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