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God’s Everlasting Faithfulness

Published on November 24, 2019

“If we are faithless, God will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself. 2 Timothy 2:13

Everything had gone wrong in her life, she said. Then she started to cry. “I don’t feel God’s love. I feel like He’s forsaken me. I’m shaky. I can’t pray. I can’t even read the Bible,” she sobbed.

Can you relate? Low periods come into all of our lives. Does that mean that God has left us? That He’s forgotten about us? No!

I reminded my friend that God’s faithfulness is everlasting. It is the same on good days as on bad days. God’s faithfulness does not depend on our feelings.

Imagine walking across a frozen lake in the middle of winter. Your safety doesn’t depend on your feelings, does it? Your safety depends on something quite outside of yourself. It depends on the thickness of the ice. If the ice is dependable, you will get to the other side.

So it is with the faithfulness of God. Even when my heart condemns me, He remains faithful. He cannot betray himself. Paul says in the amplified Bible,

God is faithful, reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to his promise, and he can be depended on”     (1 Corinthians 1:9)

What steps can I take to get myself out of the pit of despair?

–I can sing worship songs that remind me of God’s love and faithfulness
–I can do something constructive, like weeding the garden
–I can reach out to others, maybe take a walk with someone
–I can thank God for my daily blessings. I can choose to give thanks even though I don’t feel it. Thanksgiving is a strong mood elevator.

What step can you take today?

Thank you, Father, that your faithfulness endures forever. You do not change with the weather.

By Helen Lescheid
Used by Permission

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