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Short Messages

Published on October 12, 2014

Be still…Love your neighbor…Go…Rest…

The mission trip correspondent, wishing to inform friends and family of the group’s safe arrival, simply wrote this email: “We made it to (the country) and through customs.” Readers may have wanted more colorful detail about the long hours of travel, or the health of participants, or first reactions to the faraway country, but they were forced to be satisfied with only eight words.

How often we want God to give us a speech. Or at least a short explanatory essay. Couldn’t He at least match our lengthy prayers with a similarly protracted answer? I love the angel’s message to a weary, discouraged, fearful Elijah as he ran for his life. Falling asleep under a shade-producing bush, he was startled by an angel touch and these simple words: “Get up and eat.” (Just in case Elijah wondered about this heavenly provision, the angel eventually added, “…because you have a long journey ahead of you.”)

How often God whispers just a word or two if we’re in the habit of listening. Maybe it’s in the middle of night when sleep won’t come because our minds whirl with family problems.: “Sh-h-h-h-h…” Or the homeless person stands on the curb where we’re waiting for the light to change: “Love. Give.” Or the obstinate teenager turns away in anger: “Listen.” Or we look at the globe: “Go.” Or we’ve heard that terrible diagnosis: “I’m here.” Or we can no longer believe: “I am.”

Speeches, books, movies add much to life and our living of it. But don’t miss the short messages that can slip into our hearts without any introduction. It’s just God speaking.

Words can get so heavy, Lord. Thank you for knowing just how much I need to hear and then speaking into my soul.

What short message have you recently heard from God? How is it affecting your life?

By Marilyn Ehle

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