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It’s All about You, Jesus

Published on May 26, 2017

devotional about Jesus

For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey him, and then helping you do what he wantsPhilippians 2:13

We are all on a spiritual journey. Some of you have just begun to realize that there is a spiritual dimension to your lives, others are searching for the Truth, and still others have yielded their lives to the Lordship of Christ and are learning how to walk in the power and direction of the Holy Spirit.

When I was in my mid-thirties, I realized that I was not even close to experiencing the abundant Christian life that is offered to us. My mother had just passed away, and I knew she was now in heaven. However, even though I had received Christ into my life when I was twelve, I wasn’t sure I would go there if I should die.

Then someone invited us to attend a conference hosted by Campus Crusade for Christ International. There I learned a wonderful spiritual principle that changed my life. As the above verse states, I learned that I (and you) can’t live the Christian life. It is impossible. And I learned that’s precisely why we need Christ in us! Christ died for our sins, rose again (exercising power over death), and then He sent His Holy Spirit. The Spirit comes into our lives when we accept Christ and is always available to give us the power we need to follow Him.

What a liberating truth! God not only asks me to live like Jesus, but He gives me everything I need to do so. I just have to admit my helplessness (many times a day) and ask Him to help me want to (love my enemy, be bold in witnessing, be patient, etc.), and then He changes me from the inside. It is not about me; it is all about Him.

I tried out this concept shortly after the conference. I was not a morning person — I tended to be grumpy. The Holy Spirit pointed out to me that I was having a terrible influence on my family before they left for work and school. He also showed me that His power is not limited to after ten in the morning. I prayed, “Lord, You have made me and know everything about me. You know I am a grouch in the morning; please change me to a cheerful person.”

After a few months, my husband said to me, “Katherine, I sure appreciate your cheerfulness in the mornings.” Wow! The Lord changed me. And He continues to — whenever I admit that I need Him and ask Him to change me.

How about you? Why don’t you try it? You will like it.

By Katherine Kehler
Used by Permission

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