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The Sacrifice of Praise

Published on December 15, 2019

“Let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God…the fruit of lips that give thanks.”  Hebrews 13:15

Why is praise called a “sacrifice?  I believe it is because true praise given in the less-than-ideal situations of life indicates that I sacrifice my right to grumble about people, circumstances and God; I willingly forsake action which ‘comes naturally,’ is ‘only human’ and which ‘everyone’ indulges in.

Too often the creed of commerce demands that I look out for Number One, make sure that my accomplishments are noted and rewarded, fight for what the world says I deserve. It is right and good to expect proper remuneration for work well done, but we have a higher calling. As one man put it, in every place of employment the Christian works to lovingly ‘establish a beachhead for the Kingdom of God.’

With that higher goal in mind, I will be called upon to give up some of my rights, perhaps see my rights go up in flames and know that I have willingly placed them upon blazing altar rocks. This is not accomplished without careful thought and pain, yet the sweet aroma coming from the fire brings an indescribable contentment to the soul and honor to the Father.

Help me, Father, to see the glow and smell the aroma of the sacrifice; train my eyes toward the beauty and away from the ashes.  Help me understand that you never require sacrifice without uncountable blessing.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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