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Beyond Addiction

Published on March 21, 2015

For your Creator will be your husband; the Lord of Heaven’s Armies is his name! He is your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel the God of all the earth.  For the Lord has called you back from your grief, as though you were a young wife abandoned by her husband, says your God.”
Isaiah 54:5-6

After seventeen years of marriage, Meg’s husband held a secret.

He had struggled with sexual addiction for years.

When he finally confessed, Meg was absolutely crushed.  Her life was changed forever.

Every support was removed and she was in utter turmoil.

Slowly Christ reached out to her and gave her glimpses of hope.

One of the first Bible passages God used was Isaiah 54

It talks about a wife devastated with grief.

It reminded Meg of her relationship with God.

This was a healing balm.  Meg knew Christ would walk with her through the pain.

Thankfully, Meg’s husband was willing to find freedom from addiction.

Meg said, “I’ve been to depths of pain unimaginable, only to find that God was deeper still.”

Yes, friend, God’s peace and healing begin just a prayer away.

Meg Wilson, author of Hope After Betrayal

By Vonette Bright

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