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Raw Nerves

Published on March 25, 2015

daily devotionalHe personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed1 Peter 2:24

As a dentist, Dr. Wendy was accustomed to a patient’s reaction when a raw nerve was touched.  When she had to clean out an infection, she knew it might be unpleasant.  But for healing to take place, medical attention was necessary.

What surprised the dentist is that often her patients responded the same way when she talked about Jesus.  Her comments would sometimes strike a raw nerve.

Eventually Dr. Wendy learned something you and I need to remember. It’s not our job to change a person’s heart.  Our task is to speak the truth in loving, caring terms.  Don’t focus on what they want to hear, but on what they need to hear.  And put their response in God’s hands.  Let Him work, cleaning out the infection of sin in their life.  After all, He is the greatest Physician.

By Vonette Bright

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