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The Thank You List

Published on April 19, 2022

I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high.” Psalm 7:17

Recently, I was praising and thanking God for something he had done for me that very day, but He said what about last week, last month, last year? How soon do we forget?

I must plead guilty to a prayer life that is too tilted in the direction of my current prayer needs and not enough in thanks for all he has done. Just think about what God has done for us as Christians…. His righteousness and holiness, all his marvelous works, our physical bodies, His guidance and instruction for us, our salvation, the hope He has given us, the joy of being in his presence, His answer to our prayers for help and the list goes on.

These are general things applicable to all of us. But what about the things he has done specifically for us? I have been making a mental list of things God has done for me, some decades ago. He has always been there for me. While I am thankful for the things he has done for me, I am especially thankful for the things He has kept from happening, even things I very much wanted at the time, which looking back would have been an ultimate disaster.

When I was growing up, one of my favorite television shows was Father Knows Best. While it was about a family, the title has spiritual connotations. Our Heavenly Father knows best as well.

Over these past days, I have tried to examine every year of my life and think of what God did for me, even before I was saved. It has brought to mind things I had long ago forgotten and regrettable probably never thanks God for, at least not recently.

When was the last time you made a ‘thank-you’ list?

Try it today. Recall the prayers God has answered recently, the needs He has provided for, spiritual victories you have enjoyed and last but not least, the faithful character of our Lord. Then begin thanking God for each item on your list, and your faith will grow stronger.

By John Grant
Used by Permission
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

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