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Hearing Impaired

Published on January 29, 2023

Listen and hear my voice; pay attention to what I say.” Isaiah 28:23

For as long as I can remember, Mom’s always had a hearing impairment. It’s so debilitating she got a hearing aid many years ago. While the aid is very helpful, it also has its downfalls.  For instance, when mom is in a large crowd with people talking, she struggles. The abundantly loud noise is overwhelming. The hearing aid cannot distinguish between sounds and just makes EVERYTHING louder. Frustrating to Mom, she elects to turn off the aid in these situations.

There are times in my life when I wish I could turn off the noise in the background. All the voices of the world are a distraction to me, keeping me from completely tuning into God. The key verse provides a powerful reminder to constantly seek to hear God’s voice in my boisterous world.

God specifically tells us to listen and hear. While both words are verbs, they also imply we not only perceive God’s voice but take it into consideration, concentrate on it, take notice while acting on it.

What’s God saying to you today? How can you tune out the bombarding chatter of today’s society and focus on the voice of the only One who truly matters?

Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to hear your voice above the noise of my world. Guide me in all my decisions today and help me to be in continuous communication with you. Help make your voice known to me in all circumstances. In Jesus’ Holy name I pray, Amen.

Thought:  Make a vow of silence for a time today to listen for God’s voice.

By Alisha Ritchie
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Harsh Judgments Can Kill One’s Spirit

•  10 Things to Pray for Friends and Family

•  Salvation Explained