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Beginning Again

Published on March 21, 2020

“whoever takes a humble place – becoming like this child – is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”  Matthew 18:4

Many years ago I taught a Sunday school class for young children called the Beginners Class. (Today they are known as preschoolers.)  I still recall their wide eyes and eager faces as I tried to make Bible stories come alive. With crayons clutched in small fingers, they coloured simple pictures to illustrate the day’s lesson. Their questions were simple and from the heart: “Will there be cowboys in heaven?”

I have followed Jesus over fifty years. I have learned much in my walk with him. Brilliant flashes of insight as well as torturous paths of struggle with truth have been my experience. But all along the way I have been – and continue to be – a beginner. God reveals a new discipline he asks me to practice, a new risk he lovingly dares me to take, a new truth he wants me to believe

As we grow toward spiritual maturity, as we are being transformed through the renewing of our minds and obedience to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, may we always have the fresh attitude of beginning. Again.

Thank you, Father, for not only accepting me by grace but also for giving me the  opportunity to begin again, amen.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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