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Am I Significant?

Published on June 13, 2015

daily devotional

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:30-31 (NASB)

Mommy, is I big?” asks my almost three-year-old son Jack. This inquiry is typically followed with questions about whether he is strong, whether he is a superhero, and whether he is still a baby. His deeper question, I have come to realize, is, “Am I someone special, someone significant?” I love doting on him and covering him in kisses and hugs and telling him how special he is.

We all want this affirmation, although as we grow older, we are often more reserved and introspective with our wonderings. God doesn’t want us to feel sheepish about asking how valuable we are.

Today, God wants you to remember how very valuable you are to Him. He loves you enough to know how many (or few!) hairs are on your head. Even though the tiny sparrows are fed and nourished and loved enough to be fully provided for, you, His son or daughter made in His image, are even more valuable than many sparrows.

Though it’s proper and best to put God ahead of ourselves, spend some time thinking today about how special you are to God also. We can’t always ask our friends or family for validation, but God is always ready to tell us how much we are loved.

Dear Lord, thank You for making me so special! I love You and I want to honor You with each moment of my day today. Help me to remember that I am special to You, so I will have deep joy in my heart and live my true gifting! Help me to share Your love and joy with others. Thank You Jesus, Amen.

Today, remember you are special just the way you are. Even while you were lost in sin, God made a way to find you. Now, as you walk in Him, pass this reminder on to others. Children, like my son, need those reminders as they grow. Older people who are in nursing homes or lonely at home often need the same thing. Take some time in your busy day to bless others, reminding them of their unique and special position as beloved children of God.

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By Christa Hardin

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