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Needless Pain

Published on February 7, 2022

Loving Father, is it because of pride that I carry my own burdens? Do I think that you might fail me? 

Words of an old hymn immediately catch one’s attention: “Oh, what peace we often forfeit; oh, what needless pain we bear.”

Why is it we seem so willing to bear our own burdens, live outside the borders of peace, and shoulder unnecessary pain when God stands with arms outstretched to relieve us of all?  The word “cast” has within it the meaning of throwing with deliberation or intention. We can trust God to accept all that we give to him because, in his very nature, he is love. And he cares for us. He stands ready to strengthen and ease and comfort when we take the step of giving all our pain to him. We can be relieved of needless pain. The hymn writer says it best: we can “carry” everything to God in prayer.

Loving Father, is it because of pride that I carry my own burdens? Do I think that you might fail me? Do I wonder if you truly love me enough to care for me? Help me place my trust in you by accepting you at your word, by casting all my anxiety on you.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

He Lets Me Rest

Jesus is Always There!

•  Salvation Explained

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