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Walk into Darkness!

Published on November 18, 2022

God says,  “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.”  Psalm 32:8-9  

For years, I have pictured myself standing on the summit Mt. Baker, a beautiful glacier mountain peak in Washington state. Every time I catch a glimpse of the summit I thought, “I want to stand on the top of that mountain!” That moment came recently…

Our alarms sounded at 1 a.m. We start the climb from base camp at 2:30 am, yes in the dark. Our only light source was our individual headlamps. The limited vision is very unsettling. I was in the lead position on the rope of our group of four. With limited vision, the danger of falling into a crevasse dominated my mind. I notice crevasse lines in the snow that I had to step over, hoping the snow will hold. If not, I trusted my team would hold me. This hope was most intense in sections where no one has walked before me. There are also great open crevasses along the way that appear like the mouths of massive, hungry snow monsters, waiting for a snack!

I was inspired on by the lights of other climbers in the distance up the mountain… My thought, “They have made it so can we.” Behind me on the rope was my friend who had been up the mountain before, his words of direction and guidance where reassuring and comforting. After six hours and about a 5000 foot change in elevation, we reached the summit in almost perfect weather conditions. The exhaustion was mitigated by a sweet moment of satisfaction. We were above the clouds, the tops of other mountains look like islands in a vast sea. Thrilling!

In a life of faith there are moments that we realize the trail is a “walk into darkness.”  The fear of the “limited vision” is real but the desire to follow the direction of God will is greater than the fear. You know others have gone before you. There may be those that coach and encourage from a distance but you alone have to take the step, follow the direction. There are dangers but you know that no deep satisfaction will be yours unless you do! Yes there are those that may say you are crazy. God’s Spirit confirms his call!

Will you move forward, one cautious step at a time?

By Mike Woodard
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Dealing with Despair

•  Good News for You

•  Salvation Explained


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