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The Mountain Top and the Valley

Published on August 6, 2023

You learn things about God on the mountain top that are different from the things you learn in the valley

On the mountain top you see Him as the God of all glory;
In the valley you see Him as the God of all comfort.

On the mountain top you see Him as the Lord who reigns;
In the valley you see Him as the Shepherd who walks beside you.

On the mountain top you see Him as the Judge of all the earth;
In the valley you see Him as the God of all mercies.

On the mountain top you see Him as the exalted King;
In the valley you see Him as the suffering servant.

On the mountain top you see Him as the Lord God omnipotent;
In the valley you see Him as your loving Heavenly Father.

“Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths.” Psalm 25:4 (NKJV)

By Roy Lessin
used by permissions
From: Meet Me in the Meadow

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Further Reading

•   Mountaintops – by Terry Stead

•   Slippery Slope – by Julie Cosgrove

•  The Balanced Life –  by John Grant