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The Power of Encouragement

Published on July 27, 2023

“Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.”  Proverbs 12:25 (NLT)

We live in a world that has become filled with mayhem.  Every side we turn there is a school shooting, a kidnapping, a family on the brink of falling apart or even a suicide as we have witnessed recently.

In the midst of all these challenges we have a tendency to become so consumed with our own lives and fail to see those crying out for help right around us.  That is why it is essential for us, as the children of God to hear the voice of our Father.

Every day we should position ourselves to hear what He desires to share with those around us. I love this scripture found in Isaiah 50:4; it reads, “The Almighty Lord will teach me what to say, so I will know how to encourage weary people. Morning after morning he will wake me   to listen like a student.” (GW)  We must become sensitive to His Holy Spirit.

Too many people are walking around not knowing what to do or where to turn and we hold the answers within us.  No, our lives may not be perfect, but we do serve a perfect God. He knows the plans and the purposes He has set for us. Along the course of our journey we should be willing to make ourselves available when He needs to interrupt our plans.  The challenge we are in right now, may hold the key to someone’s victory. That is, if we would take the time to stop murmuring and complaining and learn the lessons.

The Lord would often send others to help encourage and strengthen our hearts in hopes that we would begin to do the same for those that cross our path. Take the time today and pay close attention to that still small voice within.  Begin to share a smile, a hug, or just a few kind words with a stranger or a friend and watch their life blossom. You never know whose live you may be saving. That is the power of encouragement.

Nothing in our lives is wasted. Everything that we have encountered has purpose.  It helps to remember that we were not created to serve ourselves but to serve those around us. You are the answer to someone else’s dilemma. You are their miracle.

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  19 Ways to Encourage Others – by Stacy W

•  I Like To Be Encouraged – by Katherine Kehler

•  Salvation Explained


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