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Our Now and His Then

Published on July 25, 2009

by Marilyn Ehle

“Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is�
1 John 3:2

Have you ever let your imagination run wild while watching children? The five-year-old twirling to music only she can hear becomes a ballerina at Lincoln Center. The twelve-year-old fearlessly swooping on his skateboard is transformed into a competent, confident jet pilot. The eight-year-old girl pushing up wire-rimmed glasses on her small nose as she pores over a book turns out to be a renowned author or professor.

It is this kind of imagination—but with the holy touch of transformation—that God has for His children. While He sees and loves us as we realistically are, He also sees what we can become through our submission to and cooperation with His plan.

While thousands have heard the name D. L. Moody and millions more have been affected by his life and ministry, words by a relatively obscure minister named Henry Varley deeply penetrated Moody’s life and sparked holy imagination within. In describing a conversation with this man, Mr. Moody recounted:

“Ah…those were the words sent to my soul, through you, from the Living God. As I crossed the wide Atlantic, the boards of the deck of the vessel were engraved with them, and when I reached Chicago, the very paving stones seemed marked with ‘Moody, the world has yet to see what God will do with a man fully consecrated to him.’�

Let us spend time imagining what wonderful things God might have in mind, and then make ourselves available as conduits for His will.

Father, my perspective is so earth bound.
Teach me to see both others and myself with a wild and holy imagination

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