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Homey Hiding Place

Published on April 28, 2017


Homey Hiding Place

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”  Psalm 32:7 NIV

My heart feels like it is breaking into a million pieces.  I fight back tears as I load my SUV with suitcases from the weekend trip to Boone.  The luggage is heavy but not as ponderous as my burdened heart feels at the moment.

How could this trip turn into such a disaster?” I think quietly to myself as I replay the weekend’s events in my mind.

The mountain trip was supposed to be a time of relaxation and fun spent with my parents, siblings, and their families.  But this had been far from the tranquil paradise I had imagined.

The vacation started with me and my family getting lost on our way to the cabin nestled in the woods.  We made several wrong turns, thanks to our GPS, and traveled many miles out of the way.  We were horribly late arriving to the destination.  By the time we finally pulled into the driveway of our weekend home, our faces could no longer mask our stress and anxiety.

The next day, we set off on our river tubing adventure.  However, mother-nature decided not to cooperate by sending a torrential downpour.  We were chilled to the bone as we drifted down the winding river for two long hours.

Finally, my sister and I got into a heated argument.  Harsh words were spoken, and even though apologies were given, her comments continued to haunt my thoughts and heart.

This weekend has been one disappointment after another.  Nothing has gone right and all I want to do is go home.  I desire to be in my own house, away from the problems of the outside world, where I feel safe.  I need to be in my place of security, the only place I can take cover from the troubles, heartaches, and storms of the weekend behind me.

As much as I love being at home, however, nothing compares to the hiding place the Lord provides for my soul.  The world is a cruel location for a Christian.  Sometimes it is difficult to navigate through life.  Many times the obstacles and hardships prove to be too much for me to bear.  Failures, fears, and insecurities threaten me in every direction, causing me to want to shrink away unnoticed-to go to my hiding place in the Lord.

By abiding in Him, He provides peace for my weary, tired soul.  This is the place where His loves warms me…almost as if He beckons me to come in, unpack my bags, snuggle by the fire in a comfy blanket and sip hot cocoa.

The Lord’s hiding place is full of mercy, love, and grace.  He gives rest for my heart, body, and mind so that I gain enough energy to carry on.  He is my refuge from the billowing storms of life that surround me.  No matter the circumstances I go through, God is the anchor providing safety and stability in the shifting world around me.  In Him, true peace can be found.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me a hiding place in the safety and shelter of Your presence.  Help me to remember You are my help in difficult times, always freely providing your endless love, protection, and peace.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

By Alisha Ritchie
Used by Permission

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