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Be Recharged

Published on March 23, 2023

“Finally, receive your power from the Lord and from his mighty strength.”   Ephesians 6:10 (GW)

Ever had one of those days when you felt as though you had nothing left in you; no motivation, no passion, no desire to move forward?  Feelings of worthlessness begin to surface and it seems as though you are headed backwards instead of forward.  What happened to the fervor and the passion?

If this is you today, I have a word of encouragement for you.  The Lord wants you to know that He is still working.  Sometimes handling life’s challenges can drain us of our power and our drive to keep going.

Some of us are just in need of good refreshment.  I am reminded of the passage in 1 Kings 19 wherein Elijah was on the run from Jezebel after defeating 850 prophets of Baal.   This was a great victory for Elijah and other great feats followed.    What caught my attention in this story however was that Elijah became fearful when Jezebel sent him a note about what she would do to him.  She didn’t come to him face to face, she sent words.   On that note, what has the enemy been speaking to you that has you sidetracked?

Elijah came to rest under a tree and prayed that he might die.  Upon falling asleep, he was visited by the Angel of the Lord.  Elijah was given bread and water and told to eat because the journey ahead of him was great.  That spoke volumes to me.

As Christians, we need to stay connected to our power source.  When our phone dies or our battery looks low, the first thing we do is connect to the power source.  Why not do the same spiritually?  Just like a battery needs to be recharged by being plugged into its power source, so do we as children of God.  Our feelings and emotions begin to get out of control when we are not connected to our source of power.   When I say plug in and recharge, I am referring to our need as believers to fast, pray, and spend time in the presence of the Lord.  Find the time to reconnect today. Be strengthened; you have not lost your fire and passion; you are just running low on spiritual fuel.  Finally my brethren, receive your power from the Lord and from his mighty strength.

Father, I thank you for the power and the strength that you provide us. I pray that we will not take lightly what you have made available to us. May we be recharged daily so that we can accomplish the works you have given us to do.  In Jesus name Amen

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission
From:  Be Attitudes: A Devotional Journey To a Healthier and Happier You

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Further Reading

Getting Holy Spirit Power

•  A Poem of Hope …”I feel the arms of God around me”

•  Salvation Explained