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God Comes Close

Published on July 13, 2022

“Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” James 4:8 (NLT)

When I was a young child, I remember standing on my tiptoes on my bed so that I could look out of my window and peer into the starry night sky. The view filled me with awe; it also made me feel that God was very far away, because in my childish understanding, He was behind the sky.

I am amazed by the fact that, because of Jesus, I can come close to God. And I am so thankful that God will come close to me, a sinner saved by Christ’s righteousness alone.

As gracious as God is however, I cannot approach Him on my terms. In this passage (verse 8-10), the author James states several ways to come close to God.

Confront my sin and its destructive power in my own life and the lives around me. I need to confess my sin and ask for forgiveness. I will also pray that God will keep me from delighting in the temporary pleasure that my sin might bring.

Purify my heart by studying God’s Word, and spending time with Him in prayer. I will also ask the Holy Spirit to reveal if there is any area in my life where I am being double-minded — that is, going back and forth between God’s plan and the world’s path.

Submit myself humbly to God and His will. God wants to use all of me — my actions, health, commitments, possessions, thoughts, schedule, habits, future plans, and emotions — for His glory.

Father God, thank You that You have made a way for me to come close to You through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Please forgive me for my sin, and help me to submit myself to You in every circumstance I am in today. Amen.

Do you desire to be closer to God? Make a deliberate choice today to confront any sin in your life, purify your heart through Scripture reading and prayer, and submit yourself humbly to God. His Word tells us that when we come close to God in these ways, He will come close to us!

By Caran Jantzen
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Salvation Explained

•   Reading the Bible – Where to Start?

•   Heaven: How to Be Confident You Will Go to Heaven When You Die

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