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Stop for a Moment

Published on January 9, 2024

This  was a week of refreshing and renewal for me. Normally, going into downtime, I go in with an agenda. The last couple of years, that agenda was to meet my deadline to complete my second devotional.  So, needless to say, all of my time went into finishing and not really enjoying the time away.

This past year, I had no plans, no set agenda at all. Much of my day was spent soaking up God’s goodness. I decided to dedicate this year’s downtime to allowing God to work on me. I became the project at hand. And boy was I glad I submitted myself to His graceful hands.

There were moments that the pruning and the refining became a little harder to take, but I withstood the blows as He showed me myself. I walked away feeling much lighter than I have been in months.  I walked away, refreshed, refueled, re-energized, and most of all knowing that the Master did a major work on the inside of me.

I didn’t realize the disappointments, the highs and the lows, that I had endured throughout the year as I worked to accomplish the goals I set for myself had me numb to the state of my heart. I didn’t realize I was still doing only enough to get by until I surrendered my heart to the Master surgeon. It was then that it all became so clear that I was still running from the enemy in me.

I realized, during my much needed time alone with the Lord, that I had not fully grasped His love for me. I had not fully given my all to Him. I was still working to control the reins of my life. This is a losing battle that none of us will be able to master after giving ownership of our life over to the Lord, yet we still strive at it.

I want to challenge you as the New Year begins to take some time to reflect on where you are in your relationship with the Lord.

Have you surrendered your all to Him?

Are you still in control of your life?

Stop for a moment just to listen. You see, it is when we surrender our control that we find total satisfaction in life. No longer will we work to be like everyone else, life our lives in a hurried pace to accomplish one task after another, but we will find ourselves being satisfied with Him and Him alone. He is more than enough.

Lord, we desire to complete the race, the tasks You have set before us even in the area of Holy living. Help us not to get so consumed with winning in other areas of our lives that we neglect the needful part. We trust Your guidance in our lives. Help us to correct any steps that lead us away from You and your purpose for us In Jesus’ name. Amen

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Winning and Losing –  by John Fischer

The Battle for the Mind –  by John Grant

Do you know God?  This link explains how you can start to know Him


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