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Obedience Leads to Blessing

Published on January 16, 2024

Obedience leads to blessing. Disobedience leads to trouble. Remember Jesus’ parable of two builders who each built a house? One built on cheap, easy-to-access sand. The other built on costly, difficult-to-reach rock. The second construction project demanded more time and expense, but when spring rains turned the creek into a gully washer, guess which builder enjoyed a blessing and which experienced trouble?

According to Jesus in Matthew 7:24, the wise builder is “whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them.” Both builders heard the teachings. The difference between the two wasn’t knowledge and ignorance, but obedience and disobedience. Security comes as we put God’s precepts into practice. We’re only as strong as our obedience.

By Max Lucado
Used by permission

From: Glory Days

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To learn more about Max Lucado visit his website at:


•  The Walk of Obedience – by Mary Pinckney

•  Blessed Obedience – by Ideletter McVicker

•  God Requires Risky Obedience – by Jon Walker


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