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No More Baggage

Published on March 30, 2021

Take control of your life today!

Refuse to allow bad decisions to dictate your actions any longer. Every day you are awarded new mercies, new opportunities, and a clean slate. Go ahead, pick yourself up and keep moving forward.

No more living by feelings and emotions, they are not reliable. Live by what you know is true, the Word of God. His promises are real. Make an exchange with God and be empowered through your union with Him. If you don’t know Him as Lord and Savior, today is a great day to begin.

Father, as we come to you today to lay down the baggage of fear, doubt, insecurity, shame, etc. we make an exchange with you for the oil of gladness, confidence, boldness, and peace. We thank you for sending your Son Jesus to die on the cross that we may walk in freedom. Today, we say no to every attempt to sway us from your best for our lives. We say no to fear and anxiety playing on our emotions. Today, we choose to walk in stability and forgiveness.

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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