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When I Call to You

Published on January 31, 2021

“Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.”  Psalm 4:1


At first, this cry for help seems very demanding. However, closer inspection shows that this is really the cry of desperation. Have you been there? I surely have and I regularly hear from folks who are there now. But, read how this Psalm ends! What is the secret to surviving a long agony? I believe three things are important: 1) honesty in our prayer life with God, 2) confidence that God hears and cares even when our prayers sizzle with pain and frustration, and 3) genuine praise for God included in our prayers even when things seem bleak. It’s not a magical formula, but it is a Spirit-inspired one — check it out in Psalm 4!


O God, please hear my cry for relief, as well as the relief of those I love, from agony, burdens, and suffering. Please answer in amazing and miraculous ways so that we may not only be relieved, but so that you may be glorified as well. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

By Phil Ware
used with permission.
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