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Audacious Trust

Published on June 29, 2016

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs 3:5-6

devotional on trustiing GodIf someone asked me, “Do you trust in the Lord?” my natural response would be an emphatic, “Yes!

However, if someone rephrased the question and asked me, “Do you trust the Lord with all your heart?” My response would be less enthusiastic and even less definitive, because during many seasons of uncertainty and adversity, I have questioned God’s sovereignty by foolishly favoring my own understanding.

The advice in this proverb reflects divine insight and wisdom. Trust is an unavoidable rite-of-passage for believers seeking counsel and a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord. Relational intimacy without trust is unattainable.

Throughout His life, Jesus, in obedience to the Father, modeled unwavering trust. For Him, trust meant submitting to the Father’s council and will despite circumstance or consequence. Jesus compelled His followers to embrace that same trust — a trust that emphatically resolves to submit to the Father’s will despite personal perception or doubt.

Trusting the Lord with all your heart is a lifelong call and challenge. Remember, trust is not a feeling; trust is an action. Trust is the foundation and heart of authentic, intimate relationship.

How then, as believers, do we respond to the apparent crucible of trust? For me, trust is audaciously choosing to follow Jesus on a long and winding road — around fog-filled curves, through unmarked crossroads, and over clouded peaks and valleys. Unwavering trust is a journey worthy of inconvenience. In hindsight, when we reflect on our apparent arduous journey, we witness a perfectly straight path disappearing into life’s horizon.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me despite my weaknesses and inadequacies. Help me to overcome my fears. May Your Holy Spirit teach me to trust You in every circumstance — with all my heart. In Jesus precious name, amen.

By Allan Mitchell

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